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Food and Agribusiness consortium score funding under Industry Partner Organisation Grant – 2nd May

By 01/05/2024May 13th, 2024No Comments

Central Coast Industry Connect is a member of a consortium that was successful in gaining funding under the Industry Partner Organisation (IPO) grant. The consortium led by the Food and Agribusiness Network (FAN) included CCIC, Ferment Tasmania, Food and Fibre Gippsland Vic and the Noongar Land Enterprise Group in WA.

FAN was one of four Industry Partner Organisations (IPO) that were announced as the grants opened on Thursday 2nd May, and were awarded $2 million over two years, to offer industry connections, access to specialised facilities, and education and training to the Food and Agribusiness sector.

The other three IPOs are life sciences innovation accelerator MTPConnect, the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Hub and Hydrogen Mobility Australia – a Australian Hydrogen Council subsidiary.

The consortium group has been working together for some time, sharing knowledge and experiences to help each other sustain and grow their respective organisations enabling them to support their food and agribusiness industries. The consortium in its application submitted the “Cluster Connect “project that highlighted the benefits of the consortium:

  • Coverage across 5 states.
  • Three of the clusters are building Food Hubs.
  • The network has a range of research partners, export expertise and
  • The network has a significant Industry and supplier base.
  • The network has a wealth and depth of experience and knowledge in the Food and Agri industry.

Final details of the programs that the Cluster Connect project will deliver are current being discussed with the Federal government and it is expected that these will be made public in late June.  CCIC will play a major role in supporting SME food and Agri businesses within NSW and within the national cluster network.

More to come in subsequent newsletters.

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